(a new studio and a new etsy shop)
6 month ago, I went home to Australia to visit my father who got scik. Surprisingly, I found some old “drawing” I did when I was a kid. I started drawing (doodling) before I could read and write. I must have been around 2 years old when I started. My daddy set out to collecting a lot of drawing from me ever since. Thanks daddy. ^V^
When I was 5 years old, I started taking drawing and painting lessons at an art school. I remembered my dad bought me Barbara Stecher's Sketchbooking as my birthday gift that year. This book raised my interest toward sketch. I started doing pen-and-ink sketches since then.
I remembered when I was in high school, in almost every weekend the art school teacher would bring us to the national park to draw. I was more concerned with the detail than the general shape of the scene. I usually sketched trees, flowers, branches and leaves. I would change their shape by adding different type of leaves or adding two more curvy branches or simplifying the flower etc. It was in those early years of practice and learning that I developed what would become the unique style I have today. ^^
This is one of my designs... i have a name for it: dancing flower.